Multiple access sequential selection higher harmonic AC polarography 多路存取时序选择法多阶谐波交流极谱法
Automatic process gas chromatograph higher harmonic AC polarography 多阶谐波交流极谱法
The ultra high power EAF will produces higher harmonic, voltage fluctuation, flicker, three phases power unbalance and decreases the power factor ( cos φ) under normal operation. 超高功率炼钢电弧炉在工作时对电网会产生高次谐波、电压波动与电压闪变、三相不平衡、功率因数低等不利影响。
The most methods for the high frequency excitation of the audio signals are to generate its higher harmonic signals. 实现音频信号高频激励的主要方法是产生音频信号的高次谐波,一般有机械激励法和模拟激励法。
The Application of Wavelet Analysis in Restraining Higher Harmonic 小波分析在高次谐波抑制上的应用研究
Measures to Limit Higher Harmonic Wave Entering into Power System 限制高次谐波进入电力系统的措施
HV Parallel Hybrid and Higher Harmonic Active Filter 高压并联式混合型电网高次谐波有源滤波装置
The hazard of higher harmonic in electric power system and its attenuation 电力系统高次谐波的危害及抑制方法
In this paper, the hazards of reactive power and the higher harmonic to transformers are analyzed, the characteristics and the construction principles of TSF are introduced, and the main electric circuit construction in actual application, operation and controlling methods are also brought forward. 分析了无功功率和高次谐波对电力变压器的危害,介绍了晶闸管投切滤波器(TSF)装置的特点、结构原理,提出了TSF装置在工厂实际应用中的主电路结构,操作及控制方案。
KIWA synthetic power saver with his unique structure form eliminates higher harmonic of the electrical network by way of the balance in adjusting three-phase current and voltage. KIWA综合节电装置以其独特结构形式,通过调整三相电流和电压的平衡,消除电网高次谐波。
Causes of Interfering Output Signal of Bently Vibration Gauge by Frequency Governor ′ s Higher Harmonic and Solving Methods 变频调速器高次谐波干扰本特利振动仪输出信号的原因及消除方法
The theoretical analysis is made on the reasons why the aggrandizement of motor noise is caused by higher harmonic in the output of frequency converter, and why fan noise is induced by the resonance of carrier wave frequency and fan, and the solution scheme is put forward. 对由变频器输出中的高次谐波造成电动机运转噪声增大及载波频率与风机共振造成风机噪声的原因进行了理论分析,提出了解决方案。
The major characteristics, design scheme and the effect of industrial operation for HV parallel hybrid and higher harmonic active filter in 10 kV power network were introduced, which was the first time to research/ develop and put into operation autonomously in China. 介绍了我国首次自主研制并投入工业运行的第一套高压并联式混合型10kV电网高次谐波有源滤波装置的主要特点和设计方案,以及工业运行的效果。
The simulation results of the whole system, which suggest that the integrated control system of power quality designed in this paper can not only eliminate the problem of harmonic resonance but also consumedly decrease the content of higher harmonic, are completed successfully. 完成了整个系统的仿真试验。仿真结果表明,本文设计的电能质量控制系统,能有效地抑制谐振,各次谐波含量大大减少。
Experimental results show that the chaotic PWM can restrain the amplitude of the higher harmonic, and especially, chaotic signals with different probability density almost have the same affection on the output spectrum. 实验结果表明,采用混沌PWM调制可以有效抑制逆变器输出电压的高次谐波幅值,并且概率分布不同的2种混沌信号对PWM逆变器输出频谱的影响差别不大。
The spontaneous emission spectrum and higher harmonic gain of a relativistic electron in a novel electrostatic wiggler are discussed. 讨论了一种静电摇摆器中电子的自发辐射谱和高次谐波的增益,其形式与平面磁摇摆器中的类似。
This paper provides a general description of harmonic standards in electric power system, in arc furnace, reason why a harmonic current takes place and how to calculate it. It recommends several measures that inhibit higher harmonic with the SVC device. 本文阐述了电力系统的谐波标准,电弧炉谐波电流发生的原因及计算方法,提出了采用SVC装置抑制高次谐波的几种措施。
Through reason and harm analysis which produces to the rail transit power supply system higher harmonic, discusses emphatically to the power supply system harmonic suppression measure. 通过对轨道交通供电系统高次谐波产生原因及危害的分析,着重探讨对供电系统谐波抑制的措施。
In power system, the application of large capacity perceptual load causes the increase of network reactive power and the production of higher harmonic. Its final outcome is load power factor reducing and the increase of power loss on equipments. 电力系统中大容量感性负载的应用,导致电网无功功率增加和高次谐波的产生,其最终结果是负载功率因数的降低,设备附加功耗的增加。
The dead zone phenomenon occurs in electro-hydraulic servo system, the output of such systems corresponding to a sinusoidal input contains higher harmonic besides the fundamental, which causes the system output distortion and has effects on system analysis. 由于电液伺服系统死区非线性的存在,在正弦信号输入时,系统输出中存在高次谐波,使系统输出信号严重失真,对系统性能分析造成影响。
Wavelet transform is a powerful mathematics tools for harmonic wave. Wavelet analysis based on multiresolution analysis can decompose voltage signals or current signals to fundamental wave and higher harmonic waves. 小波变换为电力系统谐波分析提供了有力的数学工具,利用基于多分辨分析的小波分析能将电压或电流等信号分解为基波信号和高次谐波信号。
On Harms and Preventing Measures About Higher Harmonic in Low Voltage Distribution Networks 低压配电网络高次谐波的危害及其防止措施的探讨
Making the second section undulator of optical klystron resonant with the higher harmonic of the laser, the harmonic emission can be enhanced. 使光学速调管第二段波动器的磁场参数与光场的高次谐波共振,与对称光学速调管情况相比,可使产生的相干谐波辐射强度提高。
All kinds of harmonic sources inject higher harmonic into the system, which affect the whole electrical environment and produce many hazards. 各种谐波源向电力系统注入高次谐波,影响到整个电气环境,造成诸多危害。
But its large volume, narrow stop band, and not restraining the higher harmonic effectively, so its application has been limited in some fields. 传统的阶梯阻抗滤波器具有结构简单和易于实现的优点,但其体积较大,阻带较窄,不能有效抑制高次谐波,因此其在某些领域的应用受到限制。
In storage ring, a higher harmonic cavity ( HHC) can be used to control the bunch length. 在电子储存环中,高次谐波腔可以被用来改变束团长度。
If the load current has much higher harmonic or the rate of change is great, the high switching frequency and smaller inductance is required. 若负荷电流中较高次谐波电流较大或电流变化率较大,则需采用较高的开关频率和较小的电感。
Speed on the harmonic analysis of the impact of torque in the same general speed of the mean indicated pressure higher harmonic torque corresponding to the larger amplitude, but little change in the phase. 分析转速对简谐力矩的影响,在相同平均指示压力下一般转速越高对应的简谐力矩幅值越大,但相位变化不大。
With increase of damping, higher harmonic frequencies vanish, and limit cycle oscillations become symmetric again. 随着阻尼的增大,高阶倍频响应消失,极限环振动从非对称转变为对称形式。